2019 Security Threats Predictions

2019 is the year to look at modern GRC tools and 3rd party risk management. An automated tool such as the Ignyte Assurance Platform can help.

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In 2019, security threats and compliance regulations continue to change rapidly. Automation offers a solution for managing these challenges, particularly with limited budgets and resources. Modern GRC tools help spread accountability across the enterprise, provide real-time security insights, and simplify third-party risk management. These tools integrate data from various sources, offering an overall view of security health and enhancing collaboration. Investing in the right tools can ease vendor interactions and improve efficiency.

Constantly Changing Security Threats

If you thought managing your compliance requirements in 2018 was a walk in the park, rest easy; 2019 isn’t looking much different.  You’ll still be faced with shifting regulations and constantly changing security threats, but if you were handling the pressures just fine, 2019 will be equally as undaunting.

However, if you’re like most CISOs, managing controls with an ever-decreasing budget, fewer resources, and increasing responsibilities was becoming unmanageable in 2018.  If you were on the fence as to whether you thought automation would make a difference, 2019 is the time to take a serious look.

The speed at which the regulatory climate, security threats, and technology are constantly increasing means you’ll need to match that speed with some tool.  Specifically, it is a tool that can spread accountability and responsibilities across the enterprise.  Most organizations have realized that security isn’t just an IT issue.  Ensuring the right control owners are reviewing applicable controls in a timely manner provides more coverage and more visibility for any organization.   Modern GRC tools are able to ingest data from internal systems and components, allowing for immediate insight into the current security posture.

2019 will also be the year to get third-party risk handled.  It will be important to get your due diligence questionnaires managed appropriately to ensure the proper on boarding for any third party.  The easiest way to ensure all the critical vulnerabilities are covered is through workflow automation.  Finding the right tool and making the investment now will pay off not only for your organization but will make working with your potential vendors that much easier.  The goal is to protect your organization from threats from third parties without adding more burden to existing resources, processes, and vendors.

Imagine the possibility of being able to view data points in a single dashboard from across your enterprise.  From pen testing reports to the financial risk of vendors to the status of the controls from multiple security frameworks. GRC tools now give an at-a-glance look at the health of the security across the enterprise for stakeholders, auditors, and those managing the day-to-day activities of their teams.  Collaboration at its finest and the opportunities to continue to build cost efficiencies.  Bring on 2019!

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